Wednesday 1 September 2010

Lunch at Gourmet Burger Kitchen

Today was stage 1 of Shelley's leaving party which took place in gourmet burger kitchen.  I'd been once before and had fond memories of the puy lentil burger so was anticipating good things. Thankfully I was not disappointed and as burgers go it was pretty good. The only things I would say was it was possibly a bit dry, the chips were maybe bit greasy, which wasn't a great problem as I'd had to promise Kerry could have the major share as she was panicking about the concept of chip sharing, and finally on the menu it said it came with thai green curry but this appeared to be with red onion relish which was the accompaniment to another burger.  Overall dining experience was very good mainly due the company and amusing conversation about what was appropriate behavior to announce your arrival in your new neighborhood. Marks for food: 7.5, Marks for overall experience: 9.0.

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